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There are some indispensable rules that must be followed in the common areas of people, in the bus, on the street, in the restaurant or in the markets. We have compiled some of these rules for you.


🙏🏻 Reading is Good 🙏🏻


1. Do not call a person on the phone more than twice. If they don't broadcast your call, assume they have something important to take care of.

2. Return the money you borrowed before the other person remembers that they lent it to you. It shows your honesty and character. The same is true for other things besides money.

3. Never order the expensive food on the menu when someone is buying you lunch/dinner. If possible, ask them to order the food of their choice for you as well.

4. Ask anyone "Oh, so you're not married yet?", "Don't you have kids", "Why didn't you buy a house?" or "why don't you buy a car?" Don't ask weird questions like These are not your problems.

5. Always open the door for the person behind you. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, old or young. Being nice to someone in public doesn't make you smaller.

6. If a friend made a payment for you, pay for yourself next time.

7. Respect differing opinions. Remember, what someone sees 6 may appear 9 to you. Also, second opinion is good for an alternative.

8. Never interrupt people's conversation. Let them talk. Hear all they say and filter them all.

9. Do not go into unnecessary topics while talking. Try to explain the main topic clearly.

10. If you make fun of someone and they don't like it, stop and never do it again. Encourage people to do more and show how grateful you are.

11. Say "thank you" when someone helps you.

12. Praise your friends in public. Criticize while you're alone.

13. There is never a reason to comment on someone's weight. Just say "you look great". If they want to talk about losing weight, they will anyway.

14. Do not swipe left or right when someone shows you a photo on their phone. You never know what's next.

15. If a friend tells you they have a doctor's appointment, don't ask what it's for, just say, "I hope you're okay." Don't put them in the uncomfortable situation of having to tell you about their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll already tell you.

16. Show the cleaner the same respect as the CEO. No one will be affected by how rude you are to someone below you, but people will notice if you treat them with respect.

17. It is rude to look at your phone if someone is talking to you directly.

18. Never give advice until asked.

19. Don't ask for age and salary when no one is needed.

20. Focus on your work unless there is something that does not directly concern you.

21. Take off your sunglasses if you are talking to someone on the street. This is a sign of respect. Eye contact is as important as speech.

22. Never talk about your wealth in the midst of the poor. Similarly, do not talk about your children in front of those who do not have children.

23. After reading a good message, try to say "Thanks for the message".

Appreciation remains the easiest way to get what you don't have…

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