The Moonlight Sonata is one of Ludwig Van Beethoven's most popular compositions for piano, even today. One of the worst things for a musician must be composing to order, as this unique piece is one of the rare works that left a mark on history, that Beethoven composed completely from within, without any pressure.
   Although the works published in the late 17th and early 18th centuries were written at a time when colorful thematic works were famous, the first part of the Moonlight Sonata is rather heavy. The acclaimed and best-known part of the Moonlight Sonata is the first part. The second and third parts make the listener experience very different emotions. So Beethoven presented here a dreamy first part, a more lively second part, and a stormy third part, which captivated the audience. And his work continues to exist as one of the most admired and best known works even today.
  According to a legend circulating among the people; Beethoven is depressed, especially after losing his hearing as a result of his health problems, he starts to think about ending his life. With a sonata he composed completely out of his heart, luck smiled on him again and he regained his former popularity. In those days, while walking on the street with his friend, he is very impressed by the sound of the piano coming from a house. He wonders who stole it, and when he goes to meet, he sees that there is a little girl, but later he realizes that the girl is blind, and this affects him so much that he tells her to ask him for something, while the little girl asks him to describe the moonlight as she has never seen it. . He then composed the Moonlight Sonata.
So, did this really happen? How true is this touching story?

  Beethoven started to experience hearing loss in his late twenties and turned to composing. However, he composed his most admired works in the last fifteen years of his life. Moonlight Sonata is a unique sonata that he composed at the age of thirty-one after his hearing problem started. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was completed in 1801 and published the following year. Beethoven, whose hearing problem worsened at the age of 31, made the premiere himself and dedicated the work to his student, Countess Giulietta Guicciardi for a short time.
In fact, the name Beethoven gave to this sonata is 'Quasi una Fantasia (Almost a fantasy). When the poet Lugwig Rellstab described the music as "like a moonlight shining in a lake" in 1832, the work was named "Moonlight Sonata". In other words, the name of the piece Moonlight Sonata took place 31 years after it was written and 5 years after Beethoven died. This legend is very popular all over the world and has been accepted as such, while even the dates alone quite disprove the legend.

We hope you enjoy listening to an hour-long version of this beautiful work with a beautiful view in this Video. Stay with the music.

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